LEvulinic acid Valorization through Advanced Novel TEchnologies



Progetto di Ricerca di rilevante interesse Nazionale

UniNa will investigate the possibility of assembling the prototypes working in flow-mode for all the studied processes (ketals, DPA and GVL-RP). The prototypes will be installed and tested in order to optimize the catalyticperformances. This last purpose will be achieved under strict cooperation of all RUs to find the best operation conditions using the optimized ad-hoc functionalized catalysts prepared by all RUs. In detail,UniPi will bestrictly involved for the development of the prototype for DPA production, whereas SCITEC-CNR for GVL-RP products technology in the liquid-phase.

PRIN LEVANTE Progetto di Ricerca di rilevante interesse Nazionale
Bando 2020 - Prot. 2020CZCJN7
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